Designing a Study Protocol for the UBC Library Research Commons

A teal triangle overlapped by a yellow circle with a light blue rectangle with rounded corners "cutting through" with the name "Vanessa Chan" in all caps.

Study protocol designed to evaluate the workshops webpage at the UBC Library Research Commons created for LIBR 507 with Dr. Heather O'Brien in the MLIS core.


This study protocol was created with Jiaqi Pei and J.J. Watson-MacKay for LIBR 507. As a group, we drafted a proposal and wrote a literature review on evaluating library/library literacy websites in the months prior to writing this protocol. The protocol focuses on the workshop website of the UBC Library Research Commons, which offers skill and tool training to graduate students and faculty in areas such as data management.

Chan+Pei+Watson-MacKay_Study Protocol [PDF download]

For this protocol, I largely spearheaded the writing of the procedure section and adapting the interview and usability test protocols in Appendices C and D. The protocol was written in a shared Google Doc and the survey was drafted using the UBC survey tool, Qualtrics, and finalized by J.J.

This protocol helped me learn more about the details of research methodology and design, and framed what assessing and evaluating programs and services in my career could look like. While I have conducted research on people in my undergraduate studies and afterward, I have not been asked to create such a thorough document before, and it was a valuable learning experience from that perspective.'

Given the feedback from Dr. O'Brien, if we were to edit this protocol to present to UBC library to use, I would put more emphasis on what the survey questions will cover in the body of the procedure section, rather than assuming the reader will explore the appendices.

In this section, you could give a general sense of the survey questions in terms of the information you are planning to collect, and how this might inform the next phase.

iSchool Graduate Competencies

Below is a self-identified list of competencies that this activity engages as it aligns with the iSchool MLIS Graduate Competencies:

1. Draw upon knowledge of: professional ethics, the rights of Indigenous peoples, and principles of equity, diversity and inclusion to guide their practices

6. Communicate clearly using a range of media suited to diverse audiences and goals

7. Demonstrate effective collaboration, decision-making and leadership in team settings

8. Design and conduct research and evaluation studies to inform evidence-based decision-making

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