ARST 500 Lab 4 Example
Examples from and reflection on lab activity #4 for ARST 500 with Dr. Victoria Lemieux in the MAS core.
Library and Archives Masters Student | English Language and Literature
Examples from and reflection on lab activity #4 for ARST 500 with Dr. Victoria Lemieux in the MAS core.
Proposal for telehealth spaces in nurse practitioner-led clinics in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, created for LIBR 559A with Dr. Kevin Day.
Presentation on electronic waste from a socio-technical perspective created for LIBR 559A with Dr. Kevin Day.
Analytic report on roads as a technology created for LIBR 559A with Dr. Kevin Day.
Extended topic briefing about disability in library and information science education created for LIBR 508 with Dr. Hannah Turner in the MLIS core.
Study protocol designed to evaluate the workshops webpage at the UBC Library Research Commons created for LIBR 507 with Dr. Heather O'Brien in the MLIS core.
An integrated system for organizing craft vendor information, created for LIBR 509 with Dr. Julia Bullard in the MLIS core.
An analysis of Wikipedia as an integrated knowledge organization system created for LIBR 509 with Dr. Julia Bullard in the MLIS core.
An analysis of XML and the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) created for LIBR 509 with Dr. Julia Bullard in the MLIS core.